Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is this real? or Am I dreaming?

Every morning when I wake up after a bad dream, I hope that the dream won’t come true. After this I want to know; what is a dream? Why do we have dreams? Why we have bad dreams? Can they become true?

When I was younger, I used to believe if you don’t tell people about your dream they can become true. So, every time I had a bad dream, I used to go to my mom and tell her my dream. Some people say that a dream is a regular reflection of the thoughts that stayed in your mind during the day combined with your worries.

Last week, while my roommate and I were driving to the school, I was feeling tired. I commented that I was tired because I had an awful dream. It surprised me that he had a bad dream too. So we started talking about our dreams, and they were very similar. It was in the same place and we both dream with the police.

We talked about our dream; we were trying to figure out why our dreams were similar. So we remembered, the night before the dream, we were sitting on the red light, and we heard the siren of the firefighter. It wasn’t the regular sound of any siren, so we didn’t know where the heck this sound was coming from. We were so scared, we didn’t know if this sound was coming from the train, or from somebody honking at us. So here we were, James and I looking everywhere, with our hearts pumping faster and faster. We didn’t know what to do until thirty minutes later (well, felt like it was thirty minutes but it probably was only thirty seconds) we saw the fire truck coming, and we started laughing.

After remembering all this, we knew why we had the dream in the same place and coinciding with the police. It was just a reflection of the major worry we had the night before…


  1. First of all, the two of you waiting for the siren is too funny! I think if I really thought it may have been a train the way you two, apparently, did, I would have freaked out, jumped from the car, and took off running down the street. At least all the folks sitting there waiting for the actual firetruck would have some entertainment from my crazy behind. (LOL)

    Your dream interpretation information and relation to dreams the both of you had after that night is really fascinating. Although I have heard the theory about the possible relationship between previous events and dreams, I have never heard a first hand account from someone I've talked to about 'tandem' dreams of possibly based on this cause.

    What a hysterical way to experience this concept!


  2. Everything we see in our dreams is us. No matter what it is, police or a river, is a direct reflection of us in our subconscious mind. A dream is tool that our waking mind uses to help to work things out. Also, the elements affect our dreams very much. The moon raises and lowers the tide of the ocean. A full moon does something exciting to both animals and humans alike. Wild vivid dreams are usually connected directly to astrological movement. Very cool stuff. My father does dream analysis and I think its very interesting.

  3. I had a writing friend many years ago, and she and I used to write poems about the same subjects without realizing it. But we figured out that we wrote after discussing certain subjects, or because we both watched the same programs or listened to NPR at the same time.

    One Christmas, we gave each other the same book!


    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
