Thursday, February 12, 2009

Predestined Lives?

Last night, while I was on my way back to my apartment, I got a call from my friend Daniel. He is from Oklahoma. We became good friends while I was a freshman in college. Every morning, we used to run and then work out. He told me that he was working with one of my tennis teammates, this made him think of me, and so he decided to give me a call.

As soon as I hung up, I started to think about all the people I met while I was in Oklahoma. I figured out that I won’t see them ever again. All these thoughts and feelings lead me to think of destiny.

If our existence is pre-planned, then we are here just to follow a map in which events and experience are governed by coincidence and therefore creating our destiny. This lead to an interest question; what would be the point of living if everything was already preset?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you should definitely write more about that!

    K. Smith
    Eng. 226
