Thursday, April 2, 2009

“The Middle Finger Insult”

The middle finger has different meaning although sometimes the meaning differs from culture to culture. For example, in Italy believe that raising the middle finger is saying “You are the number one.” In the United States, the middle finger is regarded as an obscene gesture or insult.
I was sitting in my car at the red light; the girl that was behind me started honking and hitting the car’s wheel with her hands. I knew she was doing this because she wanted me to go. After five seconds, she saw that I was watching at her and she showed me her middle finger. The only finger that always come up when you are mad at somebody and you want to insult the person. James as usual was with me, he started laughing and said “Is she expecting you to go? Can’t she see the red light?”

I admit that I showed the same finger back. When the light turn to green I drove, I was expecting her to pass me, I even moved from the line to let her pass me. I knew she was in a hurry for what she did while we were at the red light. But she never passed me; she actually was driving really slowly. Then, I turned in my apartment exit and I looked at her, she once again took her hand out of her window and I could see her long middle finger again.

Apparently, the middle finger has long been considered a phallic symbol in many cultures, possibly because it is the longest of the digits. Displaying it to someone is an insult of the first degree, though the gesture seems to be one of aggression rather than sexuality.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Have you ever think how many hands can touch the same bill the same day?

Yesterday, I went to get my nails done; I was sitting waiting for the lady to finish my nails, when I saw the girl sitting beside me paying with $20 bills. One of the bills was unique, because it had the right corner painted of dark purple. After twenty minutes, the lady that was doing my nails finished and told me how much it was; I paid with cash and when she was giving me the change, Oh Surprise! I saw the same $20 bill with the purple corner in my hands. After there, I went to Wal-Mart to buy some food, when I paid I took from my wallet the same $20 bill and gave it to the cashier.
There is no doubt about it; a lot of cash changes hands in retail environments. Although many retailers now accept credit and debit cards, a majority of customers still prefer to use cash just like the lady sitting beside me paying with cash and I did at the nails place.
I actually would say that in many transactions, cash slips through the hands of an average of six to eight different people oftentimes touched by the same person multiple times, just like happened with the $20 bill at the nails place and at Wal-Mart.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

What’s wrong with the media?

I was working out at the gym when I took a magazine, started reading the section called “The Rader Program” it was about helping people with eating disorders. They received a poem by a 21 year old client saying: “help me I always wanted to be Beautiful (thin), Tall, Rich, Successful, perfect... Perfect like those girls showed in your magazines.

This is the kind of perception that Magazines puts into people's mind, that everyone that is thin is perfectly beautiful. Media most of the time makes woman realize that they are not skinny and that their lives are terrible compared to those women just because they do not look like them. They stop appreciating what they have and start wanting more.
Media and commercials almost always show women who are skinny and beautiful, also show products to make consumers pretty with skinny models that would look good with anything. You almost never see a unattractive, size 10 woman as a protagonist in a popular TV show or commercial, models/actresses are pretty, skinny and have the perfect job, perfect friends and the prefect boyfriend. I was wondering where all those people want to get putting these ideas in our minds.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Live Simply

Why it is that as we get older that time goes by so fast; weeks seem like a few days, years like a few months and I have come to a conclusion, a year has always been a year long, a week has always been a week, and one come to the conclusion that it is not actually the time goes by so fast, but is how we perceive the time.

When we are kids, we live our lives one day at the time and enjoying every minute we have playing with our little friends. We look forward for tomorrow, but beyond that we do not think about much else. When we are adults, we tend to look toward much complicated and big goals, such as goals that won’t be achieved for one day or two, which for some can be a week to two weeks away.

Life is too short and we should live it like any kid would, enjoying every minute we have. Laugh when you can and apologize when you should. Love deeply and take chances give everything and have no regret. Learn from your mistakes but never regret, people change and things go wrong, but always remember LIFE GOES ON.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

“The Power of Marketing”

Marketing is the wide range of activities involved in making sure that any business meet the needs of their customers and introduce their products to them.

The TV is showing this commercial of the “NEW Lash Stiletto™ Mascara”, from Maybelline, New York. The commercial affirms that this is the only mascara that does for your lashes what stilettos do for legs. The commercial also mention that the Grip & Extend brush grasps each lash and coats from every angle, and the elastic formula stretches lashes for provocative length.

After watching the same commercial every time that the commercial came up in the TV, I found myself buying this new mascara. I tried the mascara, I liked it but it did not feel like the mascara made my lashes look longer. The commercial advertised the mascara and then invited me to get the mascera and for this you can tell that this commercila is a good example of the power of marketing that any company has.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Depends on Perceptions!

Perception leads to a person's view of the world. It is amazing how people can perceive different the same idea. I have often wondered why we perceive the same thing differently. Everything is the same but our perception poles apart. Why?

I think we all perceive things differently. Through language and communication we share and modify our perceptions which are, then made real by the shared understanding.
For example, what I see as red and you see as red may be perceived by other as a yellow. But over time, shared experiences, and communication; we learn to recognize particular sensors picking up particular stimuli as red. Thus red becomes a reality to us.

Just like we may not be perceiving red in exactly the same way; we may perceive other things also differently. So, we need to make sure we perceived the same thing before; we give a respond to somebody.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I am just missing my brother (Victor), Stebs and Monchi. I miss you all guys because I know everything can be different if you all are with me. I know walking in this life with you all is not walking alone. I know even the most boring thing beside you all can be the funniest thing ever.

I would love to go back to those lovely moments, where I was with the most important person in my life; my brother, also his friends. I always will appreciate the way they made me feel loved. It seemed to be the perfect time, the necessary people, the perfect circumstances, and at the exact place. Everything seemed to be made for us, and God was about to give me the most important experience in my life.

It was my first semester at LSUS, I transferred from Oklahoma, and the purpose of me being here was to help my brother, because he had a surgery on his arm. I didn’t expect to have the treasure of time I had.

I would give everything to repeat that semester, to repeat the feeling of love that I had around them. This town, this life is different without all them. Even the simplest thing would be something special with them. But there is nothing I can do to make those moments come back. They need to continue their life and I do too, it’s time for me thank God for letting me live that and move on.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Predestined Lives?

Last night, while I was on my way back to my apartment, I got a call from my friend Daniel. He is from Oklahoma. We became good friends while I was a freshman in college. Every morning, we used to run and then work out. He told me that he was working with one of my tennis teammates, this made him think of me, and so he decided to give me a call.

As soon as I hung up, I started to think about all the people I met while I was in Oklahoma. I figured out that I won’t see them ever again. All these thoughts and feelings lead me to think of destiny.

If our existence is pre-planned, then we are here just to follow a map in which events and experience are governed by coincidence and therefore creating our destiny. This lead to an interest question; what would be the point of living if everything was already preset?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Is this real? or Am I dreaming?

Every morning when I wake up after a bad dream, I hope that the dream won’t come true. After this I want to know; what is a dream? Why do we have dreams? Why we have bad dreams? Can they become true?

When I was younger, I used to believe if you don’t tell people about your dream they can become true. So, every time I had a bad dream, I used to go to my mom and tell her my dream. Some people say that a dream is a regular reflection of the thoughts that stayed in your mind during the day combined with your worries.

Last week, while my roommate and I were driving to the school, I was feeling tired. I commented that I was tired because I had an awful dream. It surprised me that he had a bad dream too. So we started talking about our dreams, and they were very similar. It was in the same place and we both dream with the police.

We talked about our dream; we were trying to figure out why our dreams were similar. So we remembered, the night before the dream, we were sitting on the red light, and we heard the siren of the firefighter. It wasn’t the regular sound of any siren, so we didn’t know where the heck this sound was coming from. We were so scared, we didn’t know if this sound was coming from the train, or from somebody honking at us. So here we were, James and I looking everywhere, with our hearts pumping faster and faster. We didn’t know what to do until thirty minutes later (well, felt like it was thirty minutes but it probably was only thirty seconds) we saw the fire truck coming, and we started laughing.

After remembering all this, we knew why we had the dream in the same place and coinciding with the police. It was just a reflection of the major worry we had the night before…

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some Crazy Weather for Us, HUH!

Here we go again with this crazy weather, in the middle of winter we had a day that was feeling like summer and then for some reason (that i might know if i look on the weather channel) today it was almost snowing.

The first winter that I spent here in the United States, was in Oklahoma. It was snowing really bad we couldn't even go out anywhere because it stayed snowing for two days. Everything was full of snow or ice, and when my friend and I walked to our classes we used to fall down. It was fun but I got tired of it pretty soon, I am not used to this weather because, in Mexico the weather is nice most of the time, it is not too warm during summer and not too cold during winter.

The snow in Oklahoma felt like it never went away because it used to snow one day, the next one we were expecting for it to melt but it would snow again. We stayed like that for a week, it was cold everyday, and we had to go to class even if it was snowing. The only reason a class would have gotten canceled would have been if the professor of the class wasn't able to get to class on time.

There are many reasons why I would prefer warm weather rather than cold weather. Another important reason why I wouldn't like cold weather is because during this we have to wear to many clothes and it's always still cold. Plus it is easier to work out when the weather is warm and working out would be better for your body during cold weather.

There are many reasons why warm weather is better for me than cold weather. But I believe the most important one its because I am from Mexico!!